Egregor ransomware gang leaked data alleged stolen from Ubisoft, Crytek

The Egregor ransomware gang has hit the game developer Crytek and leaked files allegedly stolen from the systems of the gaming firm Ubisoft.

A previously unknown ransomware gang dubbed Egregor has hit the game developer Crytek and leaked files allegedly stolen from the internal network of another leading gaming firm, Ubisoft.

Breaking: new #Sekhmet #Ransomware (spin-off?) calling itself #Egregor. Extension random but has an XOR’d filemarker. Note still “RECOVER-FILES.txt” ( with a new site.— Michael Gillespie (@demonslay335) September 18, 2020A few days ago, the Egregor ransomware operators posted archives containing unencrypted files allegedly stolen in two distinct attacks from the two gaming firms.

Data allegedly stolen from the two companies were published on the Egregor’s gang dark web leak site. The ransomware operators leaked 300 MB from Crytek and 20 MB from Ubisoft.

The files stolen from Crytek contained data related to the development of games like Arena of Fate and Warface, along with the company’s old Gface social gaming network.

Source ZDNetAt the time of writing the post, media outlets only confirmed the ransomware attack against Crytek, while it is not clear if Ubisoft suffered a security breach.

Files of the gaming firm were encrypted and the ransomware appended the’.CRYTEK’ extension to their filenames.

Egregor Ransomware operators also threatened to leak the source code of a popular upcoming Ubisoft game, the Watch Dogs: Legion.

Security researcher MalwareHunterTeam has attempted, without success, to warn Ubisoft for almost a year that their employees were the victims of phishing attacks.

Hey @Ubisoft, what would happen if someone from your company registers to @abuse_ch’s I Got Phished ( service?Can you guess it? It’s not that hard…— MalwareHunterTeam (@malwrhunterteam) February 1, 2020

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catch (error) {}

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Egregor Ransomware)

The post Egregor ransomware gang leaked data alleged stolen from Ubisoft, Crytek appeared first on Security Affairs.